9 comments given:
no avatar
Gilert says:


(5 years and 3804 days ago)

Keep out of my spring
no avatar
Gilert says:

I for one really like this... very powerful.

(5 years and 3814 days ago)

no avatar
Gilert says:

Run away! Run away!

(5 years and 3832 days ago)

Killer Bunny
no avatar
Gilert says:

I love the idea of Milton and Hilton - great humor.

(5 years and 3832 days ago)

Milton Hilton
no avatar
Gilert says:

Like everyone else, I think this is way cool. Great use of original elements to skin everything.

(5 years and 3853 days ago)

Rasta Man
no avatar
Gilert says:

Just a relative newbie here, but one of my favorite images so far.

(5 years and 3853 days ago)

3,2,1.... smile!!!
no avatar
Gilert says:

Great idea. Would have left out the drop shadow on the "What's Next?" since it muddies the text, but excellent idea well executed.

(5 years and 3853 days ago)

Biological Clock
no avatar
Gilert says:

Wow. Blew me away.

(5 years and 3855 days ago)
