Deep Purple

My interpretation of their song Highway Star
For: band visualization contest
My interpretation of their song Highway Star
For: band visualization contest
For: band visualization contest
For cmyk......., enjoy
For: microscope contest
Well this is my first entry in pxl eyes after more than year of not submitting any entry. The idea came from a tutorial (thanks to Steve Patterson for that tutorial).
For: microscope contest
well, yes..she has two noises because you need an incredible sense of smell to love the cupcakes :P again, I've been under my surrealism artistic fever...but, I'm happy with that :P credits and thanks: http://fetishfaerie-stock.devian...
For: cakes contest
I really didn't know what I was doing, so don't ask me about the content lol. Every comments and suggestions are welcome, but from tomorrow to this weekend, I won't be here, so I'm sorry if I can't respond or fix this image. So many things I did with this image, so undoubtedly, I had mistakes. Pl...
"In my solid present, fearing the inevitable unknown future." More source: Feather brush by dark-dragon-stock Thanks to: *mjranum-stock *night-fate-stock *falln-stock *dragon-stock *exael *madmaven *pautina *narendr...
The smoke brushes are under a creative commons lisense and are usable. extra sources: (Thanks to Cgtextures)
Only Source Used Please see high resolution before voting. I am not fan of robots but after seeing this source I decided to create one. This is my first Robot Chop.
“Life is like Tango... sad, sensual, sexy, violent and quiet.â€
For: eye candy contest
For: eye candy contest
For: from behind contest
Just Source Used
For: keys contest