
Fear of Marriage One picture worth 1000 words
For: phobias contest
Fear of Marriage One picture worth 1000 words
For: phobias contest
For: phobias contest
For: phobias contest
Ichthyophobia- Fear of fish. Looking down at a very hungry Koi that thinks he's about to get fed. The pond was indoors this is why the water looks so black.
For: phobias contest
For: phobias contest
close up picture of bee covered in pollen on yellow flower.
For: phobias contest
For: looking down contest
For: looking down contest
all models were created by me. No prebuilt meshes were used
Once upon a time there were two people - called "Fire" and "Air". They met online but were seperated by time and space - after a journey of a 1000 miles they got married.... true story
basic combination of 2 sources, used burn around the laces & lace holes to give depth, used eliptical marquee with a gradient fill for the shoe openings.
For: unconventional shoes contest
Here we have a rare glimpse of the elusive Pinecone Fish native to the Aegean Sea. Although not fished by man, some parts are edible. All source and Photoshop.
For: cones contest
Only the source image is used
For: stethoscope contest
Thx to ''lucretia and Alegion" for source 4
For: japan contest
used Sketchup to create the model. Used Kerkythea to adjust lighting
For: creepy crypt contest