Recycle bin

"Père Lachaise" cementery in Paris, France.
For: graveyards contest
a sunset in Arlington
For: graveyards contest
This was shot at Cave Hill Cemetery. Where many monuments and statues were placed for graves.
For: graveyards contest
My street view, refracted into a goblet.
You never know what kind of surrealism can come out of some pictures.
For: old bench contest
All source. Check SBS
For: kitchen view contest
Thanks to: - T. Tulic and J. Charles Cuvelier @ Photoxpress; - tibchris, paparutzi, The ChainMaille Lady and notahandbag @ Flickr; - allergyfre @; - jana koll @ RGBStock; - Reference:
The black and green scarecrow as everyone knows Stood with a bird on his hat and straw everywhere. He didn't care. He stood in a field where barley grows. His head did no thinking His arms didn't move except then the wind cut up Rough and mice ran around on the ground He stood in a field wher...
For: pink floyd tribute contest
For: pink floyd tribute contest
.....That cat's something I can't explain. Lucifer go to sea. Be a hip cat, be a ship's cat. Somewhere, anywhere......
For: pink floyd tribute contest
I really wanted to have a go at drawing this, but seeing as its been drawn many times before I thought I`d give it a 3d like chop, hope I`ve done it justice.
For: pink floyd tribute contest
For: pink floyd tribute contest
For: pink floyd tribute contest
I did some pretty lame entries this week. I hope this one isn't as bad as the others. Suggestions are very welcomed :) Credits to ~fallenbarn-stock and ~Elanoor for Stock.
For: menhirs contest
source and my photo
For: dust bin contest
The picture used was taken by me.
Mr.Opener....Everytime he is helping others to open a wine bottle. This time he got an opportunity to drink it. See how he is now... I used sxc images to create this entry. Thanks to Agnieszka Bialobrzeska & Alejandro Heredia for the beautiful images. Please check the SBS.
Cut out the peach, added it as main picture as well as clipped onto the bottle along with the fireworks. Thank you MeiTeng of SXC for the fireworks pixture, and topfer for the nectarines. Fonts used: Birch standard from photoshop and Army Thin.
For: kabooza contest