
just used liquify and erase, no outside sources used.
just used liquify and erase, no outside sources used.
If something rises from the ashes, it recovers after a serious failure.
For: idioms contest
When all hell breaks loose, there is chaos, confusion and trouble.
For: idioms contest
today is the day, we join hands together. Today is the day, we become one forever. our souls hand in hand, the love that we lend. will keep us together forever to the end!
For: mod chopping contest
step by step included, no outside sources used!
For: flower girl contest
thanks to bradimarte for image!
For: gravity off contest
the image of the girl is my own image, therefor no source so it is in step by step
For: food faces contest
For: caricatures contest
made eyes and piercings bigger. thanks for the comments
For: caricatures contest
* edited: removed labre (lip) piercing
took the blue out since it was distracting from the focal point- the girl. hope this looks better.
For: lace contest
For: gumballs contest