avatar GolemAura


GolemAura (Now Copyright) Other Contest name is DrivenSlush is a bloke from GolemAura is Copyright, and can No longer compete in contest. His Pxl age is 5 years and 3760 days. He was last seen 5 years and 1436 days ago.

  • 1
  • 24
  • 1
  • 1


» Reputation points:469 Rank: 31
» Activity points:139 225 Rank: 60
» Votepower:100.0 Rank: 28477
» Votemedals:299
» Entries:275
» Forum posts:875

Contest stats

» PS avg: 53.2% - top
» Photo avg: 54.01% - top
» Drawing average: 51.3% - top
» Top 7 Percentage: 33.455 %
» First places: 4
» Second places: 4
» Third places: 10
» Suggestions:6 (1 used)

Voting stats

» Votes placed:5 757
» Vote medals:299
» Top voter:0 time(s)

Comment stats

» Comments placed: 3 150
» Comments receiv.: 2 478
» Comment score: 95
» Top commenter:7 time(s)

Tutorials stats

» Exclusive Tutorials: 0
» External Tutorials: 0
» Video Tutorials: 0

Latest entries

  • Primary Fairies Picture
  • The Art Thief Picture

363 profile comments: ( page 15 of 19)

avatar seatsgraphixdesign

Thanks for the comment and vote.. from S.G.D.

(5 years and 3740 days ago)
avatar orientallad

come on, we are so smart, we used only three fingers to build the pyramids

(5 years and 3740 days ago)
no avatar
SilvanaDD says:

Thanks for UMPH-explanation - I'll try...

(5 years and 3740 days ago)
avatar Kid
Kid says:

Thanks for comment on my bench contest

(5 years and 3741 days ago)
no avatar
SilvanaDD says:

Hello Golem,
thanks for all your helpful advices. I'm not an Englishwoman, therefore sometimes I have difficulties to understand everything. Use simply words fpr me. - What is the meaning of UMPH?
Greetings from germany, Silvia

(5 years and 3741 days ago)
avatar nishagandhi

just saw ur profile 54 entries OMG!!! how do u do it..look at my profile only 6 entries LOL

(5 years and 3741 days ago)
avatar wazowski
wazowski says:

Well, if somebody feels the need to hit me or attack me in any way, it only means I did some good talking here
But thanks for the nice words

(5 years and 3742 days ago)
avatar Giallo
Giallo says:

This coloured guy here eated tons of art books!! Ditto great to have you here

(5 years and 3742 days ago)
avatar Richirajd
Richirajd says:

Thanks again, Dude. God Bless.

(5 years and 3742 days ago)
avatar Richirajd
Richirajd says:

And what is avante garde???

(5 years and 3743 days ago)
avatar Richirajd
Richirajd says:

You can check Orchids now....Dude.

(5 years and 3743 days ago)
avatar niks1351
niks1351 says:

thanks for the comment...

(5 years and 3743 days ago)
avatar Dallaclya
Dallaclya says:

Hello! Many thank's for the comment!

(5 years and 3744 days ago)
avatar chaplain
chaplain says:

Thanks for adding my work to your favs.

(5 years and 3744 days ago)
avatar vladimir735

Damn! You post comments on EVERY SINGLE ENTRY you see!

(5 years and 3744 days ago)
avatar neverlander

hey I didn't mean anything bad by the comment, I actually think that it's pretty skillfully done, but I just can't put my eyes on that pic for more than 2 seconds. You're really talented

(5 years and 3744 days ago)
avatar CorneliaMladenova

Thanks a million for the nice comment and fav and smooches of course. Just wonder what will you favour next time when I chop a bald headed fairy

(5 years and 3744 days ago)
avatar CorneliaMladenova

Congratulations on the sixth level and on being top commenter again

(5 years and 3745 days ago)
no avatar
olga says:

Thanks for the congrats!!!

(5 years and 3745 days ago)
avatar nasirkhan
nasirkhan says:

Ernest, thanks for congrats and linking fins. I was not expecting such great favoring and appreciation form all you. Thanks for all your nice comments, giving smile and laughs and suggestion.

(5 years and 3745 days ago)