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GolemAura (Now Copyright) Other Contest name is DrivenSlush is a bloke from GolemAura is Copyright, and can No longer compete in contest. His Pxl age is 5 years and 3949 days. He was last seen 5 years and 1625 days ago.
363 profile comments: ( page 7 of 19)
Thaaaaank you very much, little Earnie
I can fly anything he-he 

(5 years and 3866 days ago)thanks for your advise.. i will definitely work out on that, so i dont get pulled out..
.. ur kind words that u r on my side encourages me a lot. thanks a ton
(5 years and 3867 days ago)Thanks for the favorite golem
(5 years and 3867 days ago)Thanks for the congrats!
(5 years and 3868 days ago)Thank you for your sweet comment on my lucky duck entry, you are very kind and funny !!!
(5 years and 3869 days ago)Lol u r a very funny guy
thanx for ur comments on my profile
and wait ...u completed a double century!!!( 200 entries) congrats man

(5 years and 3870 days ago)great achievement my friend!! again top performer...congrats!! and 200 entries in a short period...amazing....... keep it up.
(5 years and 3870 days ago)Like you'd ever have a chance with me CMYK... you are not my type.. I don't date outside my species LOL
(5 years and 3870 days ago)Bend over...
(5 years and 3870 days ago)wow congrats again on top week performer
(5 years and 3870 days ago)Congrats! for week top performer and all top 3 and top 7
(5 years and 3871 days ago)You have dedicated lot of your time and efforts to pxleyes.. Keep up good work.
Thanks for your comment on my profile regarding reverse age.
Pretty confusing contest.. i thought my entries were gonna get deleted even... oh well :P ty and grats to you too.
(5 years and 3871 days ago)He-he, just saw the results
Before all, congratulations to you on being our top performer again and thanks a lot for the congrats, cutie 

(5 years and 3871 days ago)Congrats on top performer...again
(5 years and 3871 days ago)Thank you for your congrats!

(5 years and 3871 days ago)And I don't mind, if you still call me Lelaina. I don't like my name that much
Congrats for being top performer again!
(5 years and 3871 days ago)Thank you very much, Ernest for the lovely comments and favs!
(5 years and 3871 days ago)congrats for 2cnd place
(5 years and 3873 days ago)Woah.. top performer??? Nice one buddy!
(5 years and 3877 days ago)Congrats friend!! keep it up.
(5 years and 3877 days ago)