3150 comments given:
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

extra points for an excellent SBS... really shows off the work making the piece even MORE personal.. great job author.. this is a Wonderful piece.. would be excellent in a Piano Bar/Music room.. good luck

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

The Music Within
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

yeah..right.. Like you'd EVER get a baby to sit still for that much work..LOL.. very good and very funny..too cute

Maybe if you used a staple gun? THAT WAS A JOKE.. I WAS JUST KIDDING... sheesh..

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

Henna baby!!
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

source is good.. cute card.. good luck (a little dark... but nice mood)

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

Valentine Poppy
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

i think the hands to need a shadow.. they look a bit floaty.. good luck.. nice flash back

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

Playing Chopsticks??
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

very interesting effect.. good luck

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

good job of making the source pic your own... good luck.. an SBS would be nice.. there's a lot of things that peeps would like to see as well as me.. hehehe, mainly cause I'm nosy LOL

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

Eris, Goddess of Discord
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

if this is suppose to be under water..you need to add WATER blur for it to make sense.. right now it's kinda just blur blur on blur.. high res shows no detail.. it's a nice image, but just not very readible.. good luck on this..

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

zeus rulling above
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

simple and sweet.. nice construction.. good luck author..

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

baby calender
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

cutie patooties...

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

Must be love
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

http://digital.library.mcgill.ca/warposters/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/32912172@N00/3159566828/ Maybe one of these two will help.. your image is very wonderful.. I hope you can see one of these two, both carry the framing idea

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

Nothing has changed really!!!
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

Oh that's just not riiiiiiiight... hysterical and great job of blending.. but what a mind loop.. It's very hard to look at.. because you mind just jumps up and down LOL

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

Author.. you must post all your sources.. and you have a ton of them.. if you don't this piece will be pulled.. I'm pretty sure the Hans solo alone will get you in trouble.. GOOD LUCK THOUGH..

(your picture balance is looking very good)

EDIT: Excellent Source submission..great way to make a piece.. all your own sources..

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

sleep of memory..
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

whew.. what a party piece.. alot going on.. in a fun fun way.. good luck

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

very nice hand draw.. love the scribble effect... good luck

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

very nice face... good luck

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

Color Mask
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

fun fun

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

hehehe.. we gots another night (knight) hehehe. the bells really are effective in this venue.. can see the vision my self

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

Knight in Armor
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

hehehe.. i was wondering if someone was going to do this.. the result is very fun.. good luck

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

mother child
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

this is very well done.. but the central image should be centered I would think.. it's the whole reason behind tile work... she and the baby are around almost one half tile to far up.. .. not a big fix.. but I think it would help in over all balance.. good LUCK!!!

EDIT: BRAVO AUTHOR.. IT really is locked in place now..AWESOME

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

memory mom
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

sea... sawww... sea.... saw.. it is incredible.. but it does make you tilt.. sorta like being spun around very fast and having to run all of a sudden.. solid work

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

Spirit of the Sea
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

Yikes... it's very good .. but maybe a little pull back on the brush work... it's a wonderful effect.. but the subject is a bit buried.. but that could be me.. GOOD LUCK. .the color choice are very nice

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW... happy dance.. SUPER HIGH MARK FOR THE IDEA ALONE.. really is a clever clever piece

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

Now you see it...
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

What Christy said ... very awesome otherwise

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

Real Castillo
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

Hey Author... work on the TITLE.. it's all Greek to me... BWHAA HAA HAA HAA.. oh dear.. that was un called for..hehehe.. great Piece.. very lovely

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

I can see the dusty feel, but I'd work on the abruptness of the dress coming down in parrallel lines.. you could smudge it with liquify.. it would give it more fabric feel..or diga map it with a fabric.. itls just to flat at the moment.. takes away from the pretty color scheme.. maybe others have better suggestions... good luck

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

Just wonderful..your SBS throws it over the top.. EXCELLENT WORK

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

Armor Soldier
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

congrats on the win

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

Long Term Parking
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

the eyes are just wonderful

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

Goddess of the Earth, Gaia
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

very classic..wish you could show the expression on the little guys face.. that would be a trip. leaving it up to the imagination is much better.. GOOD LUCK

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

POSEIDON  ...God of the Sea
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

Just wonderful and splendid....the hair is AMAZING.. very good luck on this (But I know you don't need it

EDIT:YOU KNOW this would be a Fav but it's A FAIRY.. LOLOLOL.. smooch

I'm FAVing the HAIR.. okay.. THE HAIR

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

High marks for your SBS.. great job Author

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

Piano Notes
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

this just SCREAMS American Gothic.. wonderful Use of Source.. Just amazing.. I really like the overall effect.. quirky too.. alot of emotional uphevel as well.. good luck on this author.. well done

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

My aunt Edna
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

oh this is just the living end.. great job author still giggling

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

Young Hulk
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

Oh my goodness.. Oh my Goodness.. Bwhaa haa haa.. GREAT JOB.. a little wobbly cut at the base of the back of the comb but you hardly notice it.. good job

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

wow..almost couldn't tell any work was done.. EXCELLENT... oh what am I saying.. I couldn't tell at all.. hehehe good luck

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

Violin Solo
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

almost looks like it should be moving LOL.. good job

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

Doing an 180 spin as a mime!!!
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

well done.. message delivered

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

Rich and Poor
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

kinda neutral on this one.. it's pretty and all that.. but still neutral

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

I really like this .. and I usually shy from bondage images.. to much emotion.. this has just the right touch.. (I like the glow.. shhhh.. dont' tell gopan..hehehe)

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

this one definately needs a WOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO.. doubleplusgood.. I had to shake my head real hard to stop my eyes from shaking.. the motion is awesome

EDIT... AH HA.. all makes sense now

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

very well done.. good luck..

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

right on TARGET... ZOWIE

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

Colorful butterfly....
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

As much as I HATE THIS IMAGE.. I'm totally with FairyGardens on this... I LOVE THE WORK... pieces like this do serve a purpose.. and this conversation is one of them

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

If you ever heard the song Happy Happy Joy Joy... this is it... the bees knees

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

Home Sweet Home!
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

forever blowing bubbles.. very excellent concept.. good luck author

(5 years and 3901 days ago)

Uniquely talented
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

Hey author.. you could make that background.. maybe even come up with something better.. GOOD LUCK

(5 years and 3901 days ago)

letting go
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

ahhhhh.. this is so sweet.. good job

(5 years and 3901 days ago)

spheres and dragonflies
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

very cool .. good luck author

(5 years and 3901 days ago)

avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

Excellent color pallet.. good luck

(5 years and 3901 days ago)

avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

hehehe... I made a water color once.. Hey Author.. isn't putting all those numbers a royal pain in the backside.. at first it's fun.. then it's like.. HOLY CRUD.. I didn't realize there were so many of them LOL

(5 years and 3901 days ago)

Paint by numbers...