Off to the Big Game

(It's going to take awhile) source and my pics
For: hornet nest contest
(It's going to take awhile) source and my pics
For: hornet nest contest
source and my pics
For: chandelier contest
For: keyhanger contest
my pictures at a local out door market This picture was originally 102MB and I had to shrink it about 4 times, I made it as a 6 foot by 6 foot Banner, everything was readable at full size and I'm sure some of the resolution was lost during reduction (the bubbles are all made from a single green t...
For: leaves contest
source only
For: deck rail contest
My background pic and source
For: jelly contest
all source non-representational
For: tidy station contest
source and my pic for background
For: tree stumps contest
My Pictures and Source
For: sand crab contest
my photos and source
For: pouring champagne contest
my pics OZ circa 9564 A.D.
Orddu, Orwen, and Orgoch are fictional characters in Lloyd Alexander's Chronicles of Prydain series. They are three witches who live alone in the Marshes of Morva. Although their identities are apparently fluid and interchangeable, each persona has a distinctive appearance: Orwen wears a necklace...
For: three ladies contest
my pictures
For: eat this contest
source only
For: wild tree contest
My Photo
For: human rights contest
source and beach photos
For: fly on corn contest
I walked all over my neighborhood to find a swamp area that had about the same colors as the source in order to merge them together... some lady got eaten by a gator last year jogging so all the gators were cleaned out of the area... darn it
For: wet leaves contest
source and an ugly flower everyone ignored at a garden show so I took a picture of it
source and scanned eye ball
emergency escape hole :)
For all you mid westerners, I think you can recognize the 4H club feel for ribbons.. for those of you who have never been to a 4th of July Carnival... It smells a LOT like live stock... and that's just people.. LOL
For: fruit picnic contest
source and lots of egg shapes and two hand pics