Primary Fairies

my photos, and simple star brushes and a blueberry muffin not really into fairy work, just thought I'd try something
For: fairies contest
my photos, and simple star brushes and a blueberry muffin not really into fairy work, just thought I'd try something
For: fairies contest
Thief of art... from source and my picture of a Ceiling
Old Pst Photo and my Picture
Sigh.. last Halloween piece till next year... Source and PS
My Photo and source (For some reason the HI RES is super detailed... I have no Idea how that happened.. but I'm not going to mess with it... it does make the low res splotchy...the HI RES is INSANE)
For: grandpa contest
source and my pics HIGH RES is much much better..please take a look (AND YES!! THEY ARE SUPPOSE TO BE FLOATING ON THEIR GLOW :)
For: wood closeup contest
my pics and source
For: london eye contest
sbs Has sources
For: red flower contest
The celebration of Death (Happy Halloween.. and all our sacrifices)
For: red flower contest
THIS IS A SILLY JOKE.. please don't be offended How to sell a LOT of Magazines I was informed I had to add more to this piece to stay within the contest goals so here ya are.. I apologize for the quick work, but I couldn't ask for anyone else's work because of the upper content... also.. all ...
not very good at reporting.. I do try though
source and my pics PLEASE VIEW SBS before voting
For: london eye contest
The Robot World discovers an Ancient artifact that proves that ancient humans must have worshiped robots in the past.. placing it on a magnetic table for closer examination
For: dull down contest
this is my nephew in the corner of the picture (eyes altered) He's at that age where he tells you a story and you have no idea what he is talking about but you listen anyway because he's so cute... I combined him into one of those night mares where everything goes wild and twists
For: nightmares contest
in bed on the bed and Under the bed I tried to do the whole blood dripping dagger through the eye cliche.. even downloaded some blood brushes.. but it was like.. eeeww.. that's not me.. so I went with cute LOL
For: nightmares contest
my photos and source
For: water plants contest
Father and Son Picture in the Swamp Castle source and PS
For: water plants contest
Seriously? I think we all can relate :)
For: old tractor contest
In the super future, maps will look very different then they do now... I used a Map of a future planet HIGH Resolution has all the words and captions after all the UBER rich escaped earth.. time went forward and one of the planets they colonized was U3P4 later called Gortland.. then finally P...
For: old maps contest
ps 7.0 CLOUD Brushes (free stock) Leaf Brush (comes with 7.0)
For: tree fear contest
After million years of evolution the Orangutans finally achieve true advancement... Drinking at a Cheese Cake Factory at High Noon on a Sunday :) (sorry, no High Resolution, the zoo pics I took were SO small, (I took them on 1.3 Pixel Camera about 9 years ago) and every time I tried to pull th...
see sbs
For: amish chair contest
For: amish chair contest
SBS on route
For: path togo contest