Double Happiness on the Water
source and my pic
source and my pic
Student soldier in my acting class had just returned from the war zone, and in a monologue exercise he told a funny story about finding a single M & M in the bottom of his back pack and how much it reminded him of home and was laughing how a little piece of candy made him happy.. then his voice ...
Source and my cloud picture and reference photo
source only
For: clogs contest
source and my pic for background
For: tree stumps contest
source only gradients rendered spheres
For: clogs contest
hehehe just for fun
For: grass contest
all source non-representational
For: tidy station contest
My background pic and source
For: jelly contest
source only
For: deck rail contest
source and my pics
For: cd case contest
For: leaves contest
source only
For: stone ball contest
For: tree cut contest
my photo and source
For: hut on water contest
my pictures at a local out door market This picture was originally 102MB and I had to shrink it about 4 times, I made it as a 6 foot by 6 foot Banner, everything was readable at full size and I'm sure some of the resolution was lost during reduction (the bubbles are all made from a single green t...
For: freak show contest
heroes, to emotional subject for me, lost many Uncles in WWII and never got to meet them, other then under the blocks of marbles, passed out at the Wall, simplicity was my entire goal, (also growing up Catholic and having major issues about cemeteries)
For: cemetery contest
For: keyhanger contest
source and my pics
For: chandelier contest
all source
For: water lily contest
Made from market berry tracks, peppermint candies, jellie beans and candy coated apples QUOTE FROM WILLY WONKA and the Chocolate Factory (Original) Willy Wonka: From Loompaland. Mrs. Teevee: Loompaland? There's no such place. Willy Wonka: Excuse me, dear lady, but... Mrs. Teevee: Mr. Wonka,...