Off to the Big Game
(It's going to take awhile) source and my pics
For: hornet nest contest
(It's going to take awhile) source and my pics
For: hornet nest contest
source and my pictures
For: old boat contest
my pictures and source
For: fountain contest
my photos and source
source only
For: xmas lights contest
okay I know it's a simple chop but it is a cruddy job, especially late at night when you just want to go to sleep LOL
For: worst jobs contest
my pictures merged with source
For: pond contest
Okay, I'm a total bone head.. I used a Reference CARTOON for the first version of this, not a Reference PHOTOGRAPH My GOOF totally Thanks MODS (I Got rid of the the body, it was what I used the ref cartoon for) anyway, I was more proud of the teeth and face then I was about the dress :) ...
For: silver fence contest
all source
For: xmas lights contest
source and ps only
For: rock face contest
study of shape all source no rudders on purpose (too busy) Imagine this as a giant Panel/banner 10 feet high in an airport
For: white panels contest
There's three of them so I had to find three girls to go with each.. The Blue Man Group Bjork Nina Hagens Grace Jones Brady bunch Font provided by daFont High res not so great due to poor web pic quality bluemangroup is from a blog
source and ps
For: mask closeup contest
ps and source
For: mask closeup contest
based on a character in the Dark Crystal (Reference link in SBS, looks nothing like what I made, I didn't want to get into any copyright debate.. so I made a baby lamb like creature with a long tongue like a land strider)
For: white cat contest
No high res because there is no high res.. always thought they'd make a great couple, they are both so artsie Sea Creature from myth.. usually depicted with the head of a Manta Ray
source and ps
For: stones contest
source only
For: stones contest
my pic and source
For: doll contest