Sunset @ Morro Rock

Renowned Morro Rock Morro Bay, Ca.
For: single rock contest
Renowned Morro Rock Morro Bay, Ca.
For: single rock contest
For: single rock contest
Paradise City -Guns 'n Roses "Take me down to Paradise City, Where the grass is green and the the girls are pretty"
For: song lyrics contest
For: wow contest
My son found a baby Snapping Turtle when he was helping with some yard work at a neighbors. We kept him in an aquarium over the winter, but he was getting a bit big to keep so we let him go in a nearby swamp around May. Check out his claws. These animals can get to be 40 pounds and are REALLY nasty....
For: tortoises turtles terrapins contest
For: window flower box contest
A green tomato fell from the vine onto the ground. An insect or something must have taken a bite when the tomato was smaller. This is what I saw when I went to pick the tomatos.
For: heart shaped nature contest
For: heart shaped nature contest
Goldfinches feeding and fighting over niger seed at bird feeder.
For: wild world of birdfeeders contest
For: tortoises turtles terrapins contest
For: boat without water contest
so you did not like my seagull - hope this passesAdd a description...
For: water contest
The Andalusian Ice Cliffs of Triton, one of the moons of Neptune. Island-sized ice occasionally falls, then floats, then dissipates into the methenated ether.
This was during sunset as the storm was rolling in fast.
For: dramatic landscapes contest
An inch worm camouflaged by pretending to be a small branch on a plant of the same color.
For: camouflage 2 contest
For: camouflage 2 contest
Eastern Bluebirds brings home large number of insects for its nestlings. This is the father bluebird with the last catch in its mouth.
For: the hunt contest
This was taken off an island I was fishing from. At the tip of the island, there were about 75 raucous, noisy seagulls. This falcon swooped in, and this is the one that didn't make it. I realized I had my camera AFTER he flew in, but at least I did get a couple of shots. For qualifying purposes, ple...
For: the hunt contest
For: the hunt contest