Pasta Disasta

Well pasta Al dente.
For: culinary mistakes contest
Well pasta Al dente.
For: culinary mistakes contest
My son and his fiance the night they became engaged after being together 10 years since they were 16 and 18 years old.
For: people love contest
An old bus sits out it's retirement fenced in on a corner section in a small rural town.
The flag flying at our local volanteer fire station.
For: windy flags contest
An old Holden Kingswood forgotten and all but swallowed up by shrubbery.
For: repetitive patterns contest
My beloved parents together in life for 50 years, now at rest together for eternity.
For: cemeteries contest
For: repetitive patterns contest
10 year old Tinker and 10 year old Isla grew up together and are virtually inseparable. Tinker was a 3 day old abandioned feral kitten resued from a paddock by my son, hand reared by me and slobbered on by six Labradors. She forged a particularly strong bond with Isla whom she grooms nightly.
For: animal love contest
For: shoes contest
Taken in a garden centre and reflected off a shiney steel garden sculpture.
For: reflections contest
It doesn't get much closer than this. Jake my 17 year old Labrador and his 10 year old daughter Isla.
For: animal love contest
Two essentials for country life, the gumboot and the farm dog.
For: shoes contest