
For: rivers contest
For: rivers contest
I went away to a dog show for the weekend and came back to find this straddling our driveway. My husband decided to try his hand at stone walling and before he knew it he'd built a drive through gazebo.
A tree caught in the middle of the river whilst another large tree trunk already washed up lies on the bank.
For: driftwood contest
The Manawatu river over looked by the wind farm in the hills above.
For: rivers contest
When we bought our block of land six years ago it had a pond but it was completely surrounded by native bush and stock fenced. We removed some of the bush and fencing on one side and opened it up so we could access it from our lawn and to provide a landing and resting area for ducks. My husband buil...
I'm currently coaching these ducks in sychronized diving just in case there's ever an olympic games for animals ;-)
For: hobbies contest
I have a real interest in and passion for all birds but particularly Ducks, Magpies, Hawks and Pukeko which I rescue if need be and rehabilitate. Some of them come to me via local vets, wildlife centres and the SPCA whilst other just mysteriously turn up at our pond. Some are injured, orphaned or ab...
For: hobbies contest
"Mother Cat" 20 years old and still hunting.
For: cats contest
A cold dreary winter's day view of the Manawatu river in the Manawatu region of the North Island of New Zealand where it enters the Manawatu Gorge.
For: rivers contest
Sunset across farmland from the top of our road.
For: sun contest
Tinker always likes to have the last word.
For: cats contest