A Mother and Her Babies

For: motherhood contest
For: motherhood contest
My Little Girl Caught off Guard
For: off guard contest
She is Laughing Because she was Just Told what she got for her Birthday
For: goethe contest
For: light source contest
Took this in the Everglades,in fla
For: slow animals contest
For: slow animals contest
For: sweet kisses contest
I Hope this Pic Will Work
For: love her contest
This is a Tiny Gopher Tortoise In Macro Setting
For: slow animals contest
For: shadows contest
For: butterfly lighting contest
For: butterfly lighting contest
This is Two of My 7 Children making Mommy a Heart shape with their Shadow's
For: shadows contest
For: cuteness contest
This is a Yellow Jacket that I chased around the yard, till I tired him out. He also Chased me as well......Im so into Macros, I can't take any other kind of Pics.....LOL
For: macro bugs contest
For: macro bugs contest
For: macro bugs contest
My hubbys Put a 32lb Lobstar in Front of our Daughter at the age of 2 and she looked at it like should I play with it or Eat it.......LOL
For: simply funny contest
For: mushrooms contest
For: money money contest
For: flower heads contest
For: flower heads contest