The repairman

For: aviation contest
Did not realize I had to reduce 70% to 600px W. I used PS to do all this animation..... the idea for me was to learn about an area I never used ....I is not a program made for frame animation..the tweening is of little use ...Although the new time line in cs6 can be used for position and opacity t...
Used photoshop and the source.
For: red contest
Thanks to dsleeter_2000 at for the source photo used for background textures. Source was used for flowers and to get body of birds. Please see SBS for details.
For: red contest
Thanks to the following at Etrusia UK for the landscape background and doug88888 for the trees. There was an old woman, Who lived in a shoe, She had so many children She didn't know what to do! She fed them some broth Without any bread, Whipped them all soundly, Then sent th...
For: flower power contest
Credit to : 1. Bird Brushes : 2. Lightning Brushes : 3. Bridge : 4. Cloud 1 : 5. Cloud 2 : 6. Castle :
For: house in the clouds contest
A magical moment, this hare was sheltering from the the icy cold wind and snow. They are such beautiful and mystical creatures.
What is beautiful, natural and symmetrical? - A swan!
For: symmetry in nature contest
All of entry is done using the source photo. Please see SBS
For: gumdrop tree contest
The blowing hair on the man is part of the background. This is a re-submit, as I used bevel-emboss in the leaves and branches on first draft.
For: background contest
For: rainy day contest
For: dragonflies contest
For: bird flight contest
A little ambient and some flash.. A speedlight held in a 42" reflected umbrella with a dodgy umbrella bracket. Constantly worried about seeing the speedlight fall..... fortunately, No flashes were harmed during this photoshoot
For: l is for contest
Here the temperature has started falling down and that reminded me of the coming winter. :-) Could you please go through SBS and let me know which looks better : girl in the snow or without the snow. Thanks to yana-stock for the snow brush.
source and photoshop
For: pick me contest
Used the source image and photoshop
For: dandelion contest
Thanks to Chulii-stock for her "Misty Mountains"
For: open field contest
No sources used
For: let it rain contest
There is always some evil on the playground. I just took that thought and ran with it! Absolutely everything but the background I made in photoshop. Lots of work with creating textures, and lots of layer styles, and well lots and lots and lots of layers :)
For: good vs evil contest
I created this epic view from several pictures of temples and ruins! Lots of digital painting, shading, and coloring to get it all to blend together. Thanks to Tasastock and RaeyenIrael-Stock for the image of the girls. (permission is in the SBS)