Sk8r Boi

My attempt at an updated version of Thomas Gainsborough's famous painting.
My attempt at an updated version of Thomas Gainsborough's famous painting.
For: white bird contest
fetish: a magical object designed to aid its owner
For: keys contest
Thanks to lindowyn for the use of the hand stock. Hmm. I tried the source link before publishing and it doesn't seem to be working properly. So, go to: , scroll down to anatomy and its hand stock 5.
This was inspired by watching my cats play.
For: buffalo contest
Standing about two feet at the shoulder and about 4 feet from beak to tip of tail, the house dragon is not a pet for the faint of heart. At hatching, they bond for life with their owners and, being both loyal and fearsomely protective, "outsiders" must be introduced slowly and with caution...
For: fancy bulbs contest
Thanks to jayul and Bobcatnorth
For: shell contest
For: dust bin contest
Thanks to michaelaw
For: old bench contest
Thanks to Jonas De Ro, axxies, bigevil600 and CGTextures
Tarot cards are generally filled with symbolism. The Wheel of Fortune is a card of cycles. If it should appear in the spread, it tells us that if we are going thru a bad time now, things will shortly be getting better. Conversely, if we're on top of the world now, things may soon be getting rough. T...
Thanks to doc_ and Adrenalys
Please see high res.
For: stone construction contest
This little flanimal sleeps under beds, looking remarkably like a dust ball, until it hears a dryer running. It then sneaks out and steals just one sock. No one knows where they hide the socks.
For: flanimals dd contest
Hickory dickory dock. The mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck one And down he did run. Hickory dickory dock.
I heard this one a *lot* growing up. There was a little girl, Who had a little curl Right in the middle of her forehead. And when she was good, She was very, very good. But when she was bad, she was horrid! This was done with paint and smudging.
Thanks to pdekker3, redvisualg, Aiol, dusifabian and Marcus Ranum ( )
For: misty forest contest
Rowdies will be eaten. Thanks to Stuck in Customs, Rik C and Joachim S. Muller
For: aliens among contest
It helps if you start out goofy looking.