Take Me Home

For: cat portrait contest
For: cat portrait contest
For: flowers dd contest
If you wish for something impossible, you might be told, "Sure, and if frogs had wings, they wouldn't bump their bottoms when they hop."
For: frog closeup contest
Thanks to memoossa, marshalgon, Don Coyote and LuckyStock
For: mixed manipulations 11 contest
Thanks to sir chalky, Killian Tuor, Don Coyote, memoossa and marshalgon
For: mixed manipulations 12 contest
For: too cute contest
Thanks to Turinboy and dolar
For: pencils contest
Thanks to Rabieshund for the star brush
For: toolbox contest
Thanks to Eduardo Amorim
For: cracked arch contest
For: cracked arch contest
For: old knife contest
thanks to rayand for the owl source
For: owls dd contest
Time gremlins are distant cousins of airplane gremlins. They adjust time pieces forward or backward, depending on how much havoc they want to cause. I have been plagued with time gremlins all my life.
For: double clock contest
After carousing all night with his wizard buddies, he decided to skip the hangover by just popping himself a few hours into the future. Unfortunately, he ended up popping something a few centuries into the past.
For: hoegaarden contest
Thanks to fakethislife for the cliffs.
For: weave contest