For: bump on log contest
For: fruit crate labels contest
Thanks to iscott
For: fruit crate labels contest
Find a beach near you!
For: ios icon contest
Counts down to December 21 when you can party like there's no tomorrow. Thanks to Redrobes for the sand texture
For: ios icon contest
Thanks to CAStock, OsorrisStock, night-fate-stock, David Edwards, Don Coyote and PirateLotus-Stock.
For: hairy bug contest
For: coin slot contest
thanks to CGTextures Changed the shading so it wouldn't look so washed out. Thanks for the nudge.
For: to burn contest
Because sometimes, enthusiasm overpowers reading comprehension.
Thanks to obsidian dawn for the frost brushes
For: circular contest
Journal entry date 11.27.2311 This new species, which we fondly call the skunk cat (feteo beatitas Holdenii), was discovered quite unintentionally by our colleague Dr. Farnic Holden. As he relates to us (from a fair distance), he was gathering specimens from a fly trap thicket when the skunk cat sud...
For: huge spider contest
Better get there early before all the best seats are taken.
For: joecacia contest
I wanted to try an exercise in perspective. Thanks to CharleneApril
For: chinese contest
I can't even keep one of *these* going?!? I should have bought the warranty... Thanks to loungerie, Mattox, Cesar Vonc, Wojtek Starak and rubyblossom Redone to reflect contest guidelines
For: robopets contest
Arrogantus Pretentious, or the more common name, the Snark, is a parasitical animal that attaches itself to people at birth. Using their sharp, little claws to hook into its host, its growth is dependant on cruel, thoughtless or careless comments uttered by said host. The Snark believes it is an exp...
For: cactus seed contest
For: pashmina contest
Thanks to Richard and CG Textures
For: wooden world contest
Thanks to Dave Rogers for the source photo.
For: yellow leaf contest