A Kiss for the Host
Source and PS
For: venice mask contest
Source and PS
For: venice mask contest
I was wondering why this little guy was sooo upset
For: angry mascot contest
Source and paint
For: avocado contest
Look, Hank! That's the biggest freakin' gopher I've EVER seen! Just for fun. Hope it made you laugh. ;O)
just source
For: tiffany lamp contest
This little piggy went to market. This little piggy stayed home. This little piggy had roast beef. This little piggy had none. And *this* little piggy cried wee-wee-wee all the way home.
For: baby foot contest
Blue reminds me of cold and cold reminds me of my time spent where there's lots of snow and ice. That's where I decided hell wasn't hot, it was cold. I hate cold.
For: blue contest
Sorry the SBS is so long, but I used a lot of different techniques and since this is a learning site....
For: cursed gold contest
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood? I'm thinkin', not that much.
For: unanswered questions contest