
I rescued this naughty cat from the vet clinic where I work. Scrappy leaves lizard parts in my shoes, steals my hair ties and bites me when I startle him. Lord help me, but I love him!
For: avatar explanation contest
I rescued this naughty cat from the vet clinic where I work. Scrappy leaves lizard parts in my shoes, steals my hair ties and bites me when I startle him. Lord help me, but I love him!
For: avatar explanation contest
Sunday is my only day off of work. It is the only morning I can take in a beautiful sunrise at the beach.
For: sunday contest
For: centered contest
Carolina anole
For: looking back contest
My friend, Michelle and I at Breakwater.
For: biter bit contest
My niece, Erica and I taking a photo day.
For: biter bit contest
For: tiny subject contest
Started out as a Bath and Bodyworks delivery...ended up as a playpen.
For: boxing match contest
Golden Orb Spider and her supper. *shudders*
For: stripes contest
And apparently one whose biological clock is ticking! I'm pretty sure the eggs and moth weren't related but someone looks pretty motherly!
For: macro bugs 3 contest
The innocent eyes said "what cake?" but the mouth said "I ate the whole darn thing!"
For: remnants contest
For: remnants contest
I mean it WAS a nice theater and all, but not really worth raving was good though!
For: words contest
Dragonflies are great as long as they aren't trapped in your car when you are hurtling down the interstate.
For: dragonflies contest