52 comments given:
avatar Irse
Irse says:


(5 years and 1509 days ago)

Dragon Hunter
avatar Irse
Irse says:

Congrats Bob!

(5 years and 1509 days ago)

avatar Irse
Irse says:

A better technique for sharpening an image is to duplicate the layer then use a high pass filter on the upper layer. Set the blending on that layer to overlay. That can sharpen up an image nicely without adding the black lines. Coincidentally, if you invert the top layer it gives the pic a nice soft effect and can hide sharper imperfections.

(5 years and 1521 days ago)

The beginning of a big adventure
avatar Irse
Irse says:

I really love the old helmet, very nicely done. I will say that I would like to see some sort of texture added to the emblem on the new helm though. Against the hard edges of the rest of the helmet it looks a little too soft to me. With that shade of gray, it looks sort of pewter to me, so maybe some subtle pitting to it to add that extra touch of realism? Nice job either way.

(5 years and 1522 days ago)

From The Time Patrol Archives
avatar Irse
Irse says:

Very, very nicely done.

(5 years and 1535 days ago)

A Boy
avatar Irse
Irse says:

Nice blend...I think the white of his eye needs to be toned down a bit though to match the other faces...gj overall though

(5 years and 3577 days ago)

Sorry Abe...
avatar Irse
Irse says:

I like the edit a lot...it gives a lot more energy to the piece...GJ!

(5 years and 3578 days ago)

Kamikaze Timer
avatar Irse
Irse says:

most likely you ran across someone on flickr who used that tutorial. The similarities are too many to be considered mere chance, but it doesn't mean that you used that tutorial

(5 years and 3579 days ago)

planet collisions
avatar Irse
Irse says:

agree on the light source...light source on the reflection doesn't match the current one either...tiger should be flipped to match the reflection

(5 years and 3581 days ago)

tiger taking a bath
avatar Irse
Irse says:

I think it might be more effective if the area directly below him were more in focus with the blur increasing towards the edges of the shot and maybe a couple of subtle highlights to the hair as well. I love the superhero idea though...good job.

(5 years and 3600 days ago)

Mission Complete
avatar Irse
Irse says:

Not seeing the source in this one...at all...SBS plz?

Edit: I actually did look at it in hi res before I said anything and didn't see it. Thanks for the SBS...nice technique and a nice image

(5 years and 3601 days ago)

avatar Irse
Irse says:

very professional looking work...fantastic job

(5 years and 3606 days ago)

Uncle Charlie
avatar Irse
Irse says:

The tea stream could use some highlights to make it look more like liquid...careful use of plastic wrap or chrome filters could help along with some curve adjustments

(5 years and 3606 days ago)

pour me some tea
avatar Irse
Irse says:

"I'm French! Why do you think I have this outrageous accent silly king!"

That movie spawned more recognizable lines than Casablanca and 20 years later it still makes me laugh my ass off....

(5 years and 3613 days ago)

Best. Insult. Ever.
avatar Irse
Irse says:

Beautiful work on the egg. nit picking it though, there is a weird edge that looks like some missed masking on the top left of the egg...also, either the light source isn't quite strong enough or the reflections need to be toned down to match. Last check the lower left edge there looks to be a little extra white edge there too...good luck!

(5 years and 3628 days ago)

Crystal egg (Update)
avatar Irse
Irse says:

I have to agree with erikuri...and looking at it in hi-res did not help. Also there are some issues with where the egg is joined with some dents in the side.

(5 years and 3631 days ago)

eggo sapiens(two in one)
avatar Irse
Irse says:

Nice idea, but I wish you would put in a more interesting background.

(5 years and 3631 days ago)

sake to me