331 comments given:
avatar JPDesigns
JPDesigns says:

Nicely made, and good concept!

(5 years and 3624 days ago)

Match Bulb
avatar JPDesigns
JPDesigns says:

Haha, thats funny! Great job, author! Love the lighting and warping, very well made

(5 years and 3624 days ago)

Drunk In the Street
avatar JPDesigns
JPDesigns says:

Love it! It is so beautiful and peaceful. Great job, author!

(5 years and 3625 days ago)

avatar JPDesigns
JPDesigns says:

I really like this, well made! Great job, author!

(5 years and 3625 days ago)

Flame On
avatar JPDesigns
JPDesigns says:

I like this one, I think it's funny, and well done. This would not have came to mind for highspeed motion, so this is very clever hehe.

(5 years and 3625 days ago)

avatar JPDesigns
JPDesigns says:

Very funny concept. I also think, if you're going to try to do thing with the binary theme, the G4 should also be binary along with ALL the decimals. But that is only if you're going to get carried away with the binary lol.

(5 years and 3625 days ago)

For 2 Fingered Typers !!
avatar JPDesigns
JPDesigns says:

Looks really good. The only thing I have to say about it is that the zeros are a bit bigger than the 1's so that kinda stands out a bit, to me anyway. Other than that I think it is well done

(5 years and 3625 days ago)

avatar JPDesigns
JPDesigns says:

Simple but believable. I like it

(5 years and 3625 days ago)

A $1010 calculator...
avatar JPDesigns
JPDesigns says:

I believe we found a winner, this one is the most realistic I've seen. The reflections are perfect and the warping of the numbers are just excellent. This is highly believable! Great job, author!

(5 years and 3625 days ago)

avatar JPDesigns
JPDesigns says:

VERY well made card, very realistic. The only thing is, and I'm not trying to be a pooper, but I thought with this contest you were supposed to replace actual numbers from certain things, so you can compare the decimal values to the binary, but this one is just 1's and 0's. I do like it though, just saying that I thought the contest had a different point.

(5 years and 3625 days ago)

Credit Card
avatar JPDesigns
JPDesigns says:

Clever idea, I would have never thought about that. I like this one, but I agree with the background of the numbers, maybe if you had cut out the numbers and then used color selection to get rid of the white it would look better. And with the 111 at the top of the page, underneath you can tell where you covered up the numbers, maybe try using the clone stamp and going in a straight line from the top of the page down over the numbers to give it a better blend. But like I said, love the concept and I do like this entry

(5 years and 3625 days ago)

How is This Easy?
avatar JPDesigns
JPDesigns says:

Very well made, you had me fooled the first time I saw it. It is a bit hard to compare the numbers since you made it on photoshop, but for the realistic aspect of it, very well done.

(5 years and 3625 days ago)

Weather in binary degrees
avatar JPDesigns
JPDesigns says:

Very realistic. Good job!

(5 years and 3625 days ago)

Binary OdoMeter