my fat friend

For: red umbrella contest
Thanks to NightFateStock and Kathyoc
For: supersized things contest
I took a picture of a friend of mine and made a vector of it. Lots and lots of pen tool used to select areas and fill them with color. The only source used was the picture of my friend that you can see in the step by step.
For: mixed manipulations 5 contest
source, photoshop , my own sketch....and some crazy imagination
For: gas mask contest
credits to: dlritter from SXC for the bulb Voivodess stock from DA for the female stephasaurus-stock for the bath from DA mason bryant from FlickR for the towel Please be aware you will need your "Mature content filter" OFF. To view the female stock on DA
PS CS2 Soft brush, smudge tool and blure tool. not sure how the colors look since my PS ignored my screen setting,also my computer restared many times while I was working .
For: eyes dd contest
Some things inside this strange Jack-o-lantern
Friend or foe?
For: gas mask contest
The squirrel's tail was made with the hair. See SBS.
For: hair closeup contest
Apart from the girl the image is made with the source. I am making a full SbS and post it in the SBS area so just posting a small one here. set of brushes used
For: banana slug contest
improvements already made. thanks to your suggestions .
No outside images were used in the making of this entry.
hi just used the source and a background for this entry... i gave more stress on shading... thanks to thiselectricheart for the stock and pixelnase for the inspiration and special thanks to pxleyes members thanks guys
For: orange contest
Thanks to Cernasite, Kovik and Oktiva from
For: leather set contest
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched... but are felt in the heart. ~Helen Keller~
For: tulips contest
The dropping economy not only affected humans but others as well... No outside sources
For: matches contest