11 comments given:
avatar JStaes
JStaes says:

I 100% agree with Lamantine. I was looking at the pile of dirt and thought, what the heck can you do with that? But your idea is excellent, and you did a great job with it. Congrats!

(5 years and 3369 days ago)

Sandy Slopes
avatar JStaes
JStaes says:

I agree with MossyB. If you cant get the trees right, you better leave them out of this picture.

(5 years and 3371 days ago)

Cavalo alado
avatar JStaes
JStaes says:

Its cool, but not perfect. Take care of the details if you photoshop guys. This is a great picture, but the bullet is wrong. The casing is still attached to the bullet instead of flying out the gun. I dont want to be negative, because this is good photoshopping, but i like it when people pay attention to detail.

(5 years and 3379 days ago)

Paper Blast
avatar JStaes
JStaes says:

Now this is what i call winner. Good job!

(5 years and 3379 days ago)

Kingdom of Heaven
avatar JStaes
JStaes says:

I like this one. I see that you used the birds on the luggage. I like it when people dont neglect detail points.

(5 years and 3380 days ago)

avatar JStaes
JStaes says:

Nice job!

(5 years and 3380 days ago)

Rooted: I want To Fly-Updated
avatar JStaes
JStaes says:

I really like what you did. Keep it up

(5 years and 3382 days ago)

avatar JStaes
JStaes says:

Think it was meant this way. He named it fan for nothing. If it was meant to look like spinning fast, he did a good job.

(5 years and 3382 days ago)

avatar JStaes
JStaes says:

You did almost a perfect job. The only point in this picture that i dont like are the angels. You can see the cut outs and i can see that you duplicated the second one. But if i take a look at the whole picture, i only can say that you did a wonderfull job. For now you are my favorite to win this contest.

(5 years and 3388 days ago)