105 comments given:
avatar JamesP
JamesP says:

This is cool like it.

(5 years and 2472 days ago)

Jorg - The Ogre Slayer
avatar JamesP
JamesP says:

This is cooli like it.

(5 years and 2472 days ago)

Jorg - The Ogre Slayer
avatar JamesP
JamesP says:

MossyB is probally the reason I haven't done anything here in the last couple of weeks. It's sad that somebody with out talent or Credentials talks so much (and gets away with it...)
I think you good, I like your image, and as far as the contest goes, You on the right track....
I wouldn't worry about mossy (I don't, but then, I like what I can do - even though my work isn''t all that great)

(5 years and 3234 days ago)

Mjølner (Mjoelner)
avatar JamesP
JamesP says:

this is really good work, but I think the hightlights on the balls need work.... Have you ever been to a place where the balls have beaten up? by that I mean, a lot of people hit the all the balls with overly welll chalked cues, which leaves marks on the balls. If you could add those and work a little bit with the highlights - This would be Awesome, not just really good!

pm if you would like some more info on what I'm talking about

(5 years and 3244 days ago)

Pool Table
avatar JamesP
JamesP says:

Hey this is really good. I have never used any 3d programs what so ever, but I do play pool at least 5 times a week. the shadows and highlights don't seem right to me... other wise this is great! I may use it as a desktop image if that is ok with you?....

(5 years and 3244 days ago)

Pool table
avatar JamesP
JamesP says:

really cute

(5 years and 3245 days ago)

avatar JamesP
JamesP says:

This is cool!

(5 years and 3254 days ago)

avatar JamesP
JamesP says:

Being that it is a digital drawing - I don't think that you area allowed to use a source image.. You may probally should check the rules and guidleines again

(5 years and 3256 days ago)

avatar JamesP
JamesP says:

Author - if you look at the bottom, I think the reflection would start from the back of the stand. Either that, or a shadow is needed imo

(5 years and 3259 days ago)

A Cold Winter Day
avatar JamesP
JamesP says:


(5 years and 3263 days ago)

Back in the days
avatar JamesP
JamesP says:

your characters are awesome - Nice job adding on to the dress.

(5 years and 3263 days ago)

avatar JamesP
JamesP says:

I like this

little nic-pic --- the models are all in the same position - if you could turn them ever so slightly, it would be more interesting to me...

(5 years and 3265 days ago)

avatar JamesP
JamesP says:

Nice SBS

(5 years and 3270 days ago)

The Woody Woodpecker Show
avatar JamesP
JamesP says:

this is a great image!
little nic pic's...
that random line on the 'seat' of the chair is distracting - doesn't make since to me.
I like the lighting on the chair but if the lights are on the wall then the front of the lege should have the same brightness?

Only giving those nic pics because this is a great image

(5 years and 3278 days ago)

She Really Hated that Carpet
avatar JamesP
JamesP says:

That is way awesome!

(5 years and 3282 days ago)

Chimpy the Snake Charmer
avatar JamesP
JamesP says:

This is freaking awesome! I want to be this good some day!

(5 years and 3283 days ago)

Search for material
avatar JamesP
JamesP says:

I like it
I do find it funny

(5 years and 3294 days ago)

Funny Tweet?
avatar JamesP
JamesP says:

I like the dueling spot lights... good image all around IMO

(5 years and 3298 days ago)

puppet show
avatar JamesP
JamesP says:

haha - like this

(5 years and 3299 days ago)

Out of Your Gourd
avatar JamesP
JamesP says:

your sbs is great - this is a great image

(5 years and 3299 days ago)

avatar JamesP
JamesP says:

at first glance, I thought this was a post card

I like this - gl

(5 years and 3301 days ago)

avatar JamesP
JamesP says:

This is awesome!

(5 years and 3302 days ago)

cryogenium 1863
avatar JamesP
JamesP says:

no prob author. I enjoy finding those little mistakes -

(5 years and 3303 days ago)

Fern Baby
avatar JamesP
JamesP says:

I really like your pictures - 1 little thing though is the small fronds in the middle looks like it has a straight line were it meets the stem. maybe use the part from the original to make it less of a line...

(5 years and 3303 days ago)

Fern Baby
avatar JamesP
JamesP says:

I agree - awesome pic. your sbs doesn't really explain how the teeth were done - could you give a better explaination?

(5 years and 3305 days ago)

avatar JamesP
JamesP says:

That seems like a really short man IMO.. ?

(5 years and 3306 days ago)

Keeping Bridge Clean
avatar JamesP
JamesP says:

in the high res - the middle board doesn't seem to match correctly and there is a little bit of a green tint on the leg... well IMO, maybe something to look into - if I were you...

(5 years and 3307 days ago)

avatar JamesP
JamesP says:

this is very cool.

(5 years and 3316 days ago)

Fragrance by the Window
avatar JamesP
JamesP says:

This is nice, but why is the shadow blue? if I had a suggestion it would be to try to match that color... IMO...

(5 years and 3320 days ago)

Ancient Necklace
avatar JamesP
JamesP says:

That's much better - its now a fav of mine

(5 years and 3321 days ago)

avatar JamesP
JamesP says:

I really like this, if I had a suggestion though, it would be to move the dance floor down to meet the bottom of the circle / entry way. other than that, this is a great pic

(5 years and 3322 days ago)

avatar JamesP
JamesP says:

I like it, I know a few pool halls that should be calling you soon

Driven slush, in the area were I live, there are many pool sharks - this is not outdated at all...

(5 years and 3323 days ago)

Pool Cleaners
avatar JamesP
JamesP says:

I think I would like this more w/out the bikes, still props for a great image

(5 years and 3323 days ago)

Hoops in the grid
avatar JamesP
JamesP says:

"Imagination.. a terrible thing to waste but oh so easy to steal from others "

ha! I'm no know-it-all, h-ll I'm not even good at photoshop, but to disagree with what cmyk46 said is daring to be polite...

"two if by sea" - only if the 'art' is quality of work....

(5 years and 3325 days ago)

Two if by Sea
avatar JamesP
JamesP says:

very well done.

this is the kind of picture that motivates me to continue 'photoshopping'

(5 years and 3338 days ago)

Parrot and Trumpets
avatar JamesP
JamesP says:

very cool!

(5 years and 3339 days ago)

Color :)
avatar JamesP
JamesP says:

That is alot of fun. I dig it

(5 years and 3354 days ago)

Times Up
avatar JamesP
JamesP says:

i like how to have the workspace for photoshop as part of the eye.
nice colors

(5 years and 3354 days ago)

Pixel Eye