
This was drawn on a Samsung galaxy note 10.1 The program is autodesk sketchbook
For: dwarves contest
This was drawn on a Samsung galaxy note 10.1 The program is autodesk sketchbook
For: dwarves contest
I don't draw with a pencil much, so i thought i would try. Kids are entertained when you make your hands look like a frog, hope you do too...
For: human hands contest
first thought that came to mind when i read the description. I like drawing in black and white - almost to a fault
For: man on moon contest
Elephant ear, pen and ink. a leaf in my yard - some one said it was dead, I thought it should have a new life.
A wood carving.
For: dragons td contest
Please see high res - comments more and welcome :)
For: fruit dd contest
the SBS is animimated - may take a few to load
For: yummy dd contest
For: yummy dd contest
I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream for Ice Cream :)
For: yummy dd contest
the blue shy was created with the rectangle too-- I started with dark blue then, overlaped that with a blue that was just a bit lighter
pen and ink drawing
For: tigers td contest