Birch Bark

For: letter b contest
Title should be: Bulb and Blinds
For: letter b contest
The world as we know it has ended. Disease has killed all but a select few. Now, the ultimate battle between good and evil begins... it is the battle for your immortal soul. (The sand is for the desert, which is where the final battle takes place. The crows' feather and skull represent the 'Walkin...
Life on a farm is fun, but it is also a place for hard work and life lessons. Charlottes Web is a story of love and friendship, life and death, and the passing of time. (Spring leaf buds, Autumn leaves and a watch represent the passing of time. The bookmark represents your place in time. And the s...
During a solar eclipse, a romantic afternoon rendezvous, between husband and wife, goes horribly....horribly wrong.
Found this huge maple tree, with all different varying colors.
For: natural gradient 2 contest
Lots of these everywhere in my area. All cause by glacial movement, water and time.
For: natural gradient 2 contest
Cute pencil I got as a gift for buying stuff at the music store.
Dave Watson is a local man, who makes all his carvings with a chainsaw. His yard is full of these beautiful creations. A special thanks to him for letting me watch him work!
For: carvings 3 contest
A place for peaceful reflection, I love cemeteries. Interesting stones and fences.
For: fences 2 contest
The first real nice day, a little warm in the car, and sunshine! The first in almost 2 weeks.
For: road trip contest
I knew the folks who lived here. This was in poor shape 25 years ago. 20 years ago, the husband died. The widow moved to California to be with family. She passed away not too long ago. Still the house remains. Imagine the stories it would tell if it could.
For: abandoned buildings 2 contest
Just dropped the saturation a bit.
For: abandoned buildings 2 contest
For: abandoned buildings 2 contest
For: road trip contest
Cute little thing, but next to impossible to keep dusted! Uses a standard nightlight bulb.
For: lighting fixtures contest