Milford Trek

New Zealand
Taken at Snow Mountain, Taiwan
Forest beneath the peak of Volcan Tajumulco, in Guatemala.
Meet Amandine, the Parisian, Moulin Rouge themed, fashion doll. Be sure to check out the SBS guide to fully appreciate this piece.
For: dolled up contest
Thanks to Sharon Drummond, mzacha and IsaacClan5 for the use of their photos.
For: dolled up contest
I manipulated the photograph as the background blur, you may be able to notice the constructions become trees, and that the statue's face is actually cracking away to reveal tree bark. I then turned the image into an old vintage postcard that has been damaged. Thanks for viewing!
sry 4 d poor shots..
For: rubik cube contest
the back could be the other side of the earth and people could mark their approx. location
For: pxl on tour contest
Update to Katanaz stock - Can now be used outside of DA without permission.
The source for mother Earth is compliments of "NOAA-NASA GOES Project" The images at this site are in the public domain. The particular image is the GEOS EAST latest full disk image 19:40 UTC Sept. 1 2011. I used this particular days picture for this work it was found@ http://goes.gsf...
For: pxl on tour contest
Now that it's signed, how will I get it back into the national archives.
For: your name contest
Drew this using paint program on my laptop. First kiss made me feel light as a feather.
For: first kiss contest
For: golden gate contest
For: golden gate contest
--- The Goddess of the Goldenspear tribe, long since exiled from their ancestral lands in Pixelian Vale, joined the Guardian Forces for monetary purposes. However, weeks turned into months, and fighting alongside the many holy warriors with fearless souls inspired her with the responsibility o...
For: golden gate contest
Only source image and PS used. Edit: modified.
For: weave contest
thanks to mjranum-stock.deviantart thanks to hatestock
For: weave contest