Bringing the food

Only source image and PS. Modified.
For: onion bunch contest
Only source image and PS. Modified.
For: onion bunch contest
we met him in London, Camden town. It cost us £1 to take a picture of him... :D
For: rebellion contest
For: eye candy contest
"In my solid present, fearing the inevitable unknown future." More source: Feather brush by dark-dragon-stock Thanks to: *mjranum-stock *night-fate-stock *falln-stock *dragon-stock *exael *madmaven *pautina *narendr...
I thank all the guardian angel that own the stocks I've used. ;) Model: Sinned-angel-stock Forest: Eirian-stock Rock Path: eyewish-stock Water Lilli 1: kmstock Water Lilli 2: staciabennett Fern 1: Smack Babe Fern 2: Garr1971 Unicorn: Shoofly-Stock Wings: MaureenOlder
For: horse mania contest
There is a day in 10 years, every mortal can visit Heaven through the portal that St. Peter creates. He summons a Cloud Phoenix by the Heaven Sword, carrying this enchanted world close to the Earth.... It's time to go... Source credits to all the author I noted here Other sources: Child in bl...
For: heaven contest
improvements already made. thanks to your suggestions .
My client asked me to take some photos of their products. They wanted the photo in large print format so they can display it on their shop's window. They don't want any model or fancy thing, just simple and eye catching. Client: "Hmm.. all this while i thought its YKK.." My boss: :) So ...
For: product ads contest
Separate's man from boys! Straighten the lines as robvdn suggested. :)
For: product ads contest
The figure in the picture was taken by me. The buildings were not from any particular source. I browsed some pictures from the ruins to get a general feel for the architecture & made my own using good old 1-point perspective. I also asked a few questions of ChaCha(424424) on the cell phone regar...
For: pompeii contest
all comments are fake, image made of various screenshots of the site. image being commented on was hand drawn with brush tool (will be happy to provide detailed sbs for the flower/stickman)
Thanks to coloniera2 for the preference image
This creation of mine is very very precious to me cause it took hell lot of time and the time i finishd with ths image and sbs my eyes were red and aching.... So here is a beautiful portrayal of natures beautiful creation.... Do check the high resolution pic..... Hope the hard...
For: singles contest
Used only the source inage to create this entry :)
For: door knocker contest
credits and thanks: I have been inspired by Pendulum's billiant song: Watercolour.
For: blue dolphin contest
All sources are mine and included in the SBS. Thanks for looking.
The original is "L'innocence" by William-Adolphe Bouguereau. This is my first attempt at digital painting (after having a tablet sitting in the corner for a year) and I have to say I'm very satisfied with the result :) The background was kinda made in a hurry and I'm not gonna have t...