The Little Fairy

Rose, please veiw high res
For: glass contest
So that I could work only with the glass, I cut it out using the blue channel and dessaturaded it. The rest is manipulation :-) ... Credit texture: Princess of Shadows Credit Withered Roses: Rolve http://www.sxc....
For: glass contest
thanks to obsidian dawn brushes
Thanks to LuckyStock for the hand pic, flaivoloka for the plant, CG textures for the cracked texture, and of course this tutorial for the break-away effect...
Burn, dodge and smudge tools only. No reference used.
took me 5hrs+ with a mouse... drew the sketch from scratch, right on the canvas.
I hate dodge and burn :) Trying to do this all on one layer was a pain!
i made the background with my own texture
For: windsocks contest
I wanted to do something like this for a long time, and seeing the cross gave me the opportunity. No other sources used.
For: jesus cross contest
Tripod natural light manual settings not recorded
For: religion contest
Created the layout in InDesign, exported an EPS and rasterised in Photoshop. Thank you to Giallo for the use of his logo. Main image is from the Lace competition, thank you to hbrinkman, mjio, Antje Hilgenfeld c/o CG textures and ctechs. The top image in column 1 is from a RetouchPro challenge don...
Used the leaves to make a border around the girl face. Set them on overlay or on multiply so that to blend them nicely. You may notice that I could not choose only one hue for the image, as a result, I've made a new layer that I've filled in with different color spots and after that I've set it on c...
For: pond contest
This is the photo i used as a reference:
For: sosia mania contest
This picture utilizes a stone wall tutorial for the basic stone wall setup>>> The background is one of my paintings.
For: mud on dirt contest