Robot Butterfly

Lots of my inspiration for this came from the steampunk genre. The hi res (4000px X 4000px) of this image is much better. *Added the 3rd image**
For: butterfly contest
Lots of my inspiration for this came from the steampunk genre. The hi res (4000px X 4000px) of this image is much better. *Added the 3rd image**
For: butterfly contest
It isn't from this world, but it sure likes the tulip garden!
For: butterfly contest
In Etruscan mythology, Thesan was the goddess of the dawn and was associated with the generation of life. She was identified with the Roman Aurora and Greek Eos. -I Made some changes
For: oops contest
My grandma's hands... I've never seen a day she forgot to pray !
For: hands 2 contest
Thanks to NASA's Marshall Space Center at for the sky background; to sleight82 at for the pinetree source; Birds and fruit are all drawn with brush tools. Please see SBS
For: school stuff contest
Burrard Bridge in British Colombia, Canada. Thanks to SadJR. This is about 90 % done in corel Painter, with some ending touch ups in ps.
For: bridging contest
Not only we have to deal with the crisis, in the Fantasy World it's not much different... This drawing is made with Indian ink, using a pen and brush (for washed ink). I used some references for the pose of both the warriors, the warriors design and the rest are own design. The small version do...
Ruggin the Mighty Dwarf. (Color Pencil)
She certainly hated me as I was just behind the couple while she was shooting. Note that SHE was the official photographer of the wedding ^_^
For: biter bit contest
For: biter bit contest
For: biter bit contest
Elke and Amanda wish you both a great and happy birthday, may all your wishes come true :D
Henna on hands
For: hands 2 contest
Used sources in the Contest Link Credit for the wishes goes to Me :)
This was painted in Oils with just the tree being painted in acrylic because I still haven't found a way to thin my oil paints, I mean I use paint thinner and that does make it more dilute and runny however when I try to apply into onto the paint it just smudges.. Any way I also used Bob Ross' Liqui...
For: africa contest
For: toilet sign contest
For: toilet sign contest
All the images used are my own