Moonlight Ride

Just the source is used along with drawing with brush tools except the pattern layer added at the very end to add textures over the image. Thanks to mr_physics for the orion source used for the pattern layer.
For: female mask contest
Just the source is used along with drawing with brush tools except the pattern layer added at the very end to add textures over the image. Thanks to mr_physics for the orion source used for the pattern layer.
For: female mask contest
Thanks to emik at for the texture photo used in background. Weather vane is my own photo, and the rest of image is created from source photo.
For: duck house contest
Im really hungry!!.. who turn that light on? uuhhhggg...I hate that a lot.
For: joecacia contest
Thanks to Flicker for the Wigs :)
For: joecacia contest
thanks to > Soki-Angel for the stock
For: joecacia contest
For: joecacia contest
Carla's bad girl twin.
For: joecacia contest
For: joecacia contest
blending to bw
For: closing eye contest
For: closing eye contest
Created by Myself Time Duration - 1hr
For: closing eye contest
red evil eye i use the mask tool to color the eye..
For: closing eye contest
and they are free
For: closing eye contest
thaks to for the source image thanks to » - Yenhoon from Malaysia for Green Leaves Stock - Alephillo (Daniel Albarran from mexico) for Hiedra Stock
For: closing eye contest
Only gimp plugins...
For: joecacia contest
created with vector masks
For: closing eye contest
sunflower to replace iris n pupil in source image. sunflower from my own image files
For: closing eye contest
i hope all like this..
For: closing eye contest