The dream

A lot of duplication involve with this picture and change of colors and filter. The picture is my own property.
A lot of duplication involve with this picture and change of colors and filter. The picture is my own property.
A lot of work, I hope you like it and enjoy.
For: ski gloves contest
20 bucks should get me through the week
I hope this is a good example about "Film Noir". Tell me what you think. Taking with wide angle 8 years ago.
For: film noir contest
The picture is changed, thank you so much for your comments, I hope this is better
For: make up contest
Face painting
For: make up contest
For: present vs future contest
Together... For ever
For: hands contest
... with some drooling :0)
For: drooling contest
...What would they say???
For: your eyes contest
For: in a hand contest
The boy is hiding behind subject A but because of the mirror, you can see the boy. I hope you like it!
I ask my kids to pose for me and this is what I get! A young boy is posing and a little one trying to sneak behind him but the trick here that you can spot her by the mirror! Funny kids!!!
I changed the color of the pen, the pen is brown, I am posting the picture of both pens the one used before and the one used now. I hope you like the picture! Thank you for looking!
For: purple contest
For: shallow DOF in red contest