The simple beauty

"There is great beauty in simple things, if we only take the time to notice them"
For: hands contest
"There is great beauty in simple things, if we only take the time to notice them"
For: hands contest
For: abandoned buildings contest
For: abandoned buildings contest
For: abandoned buildings contest
Having no incense burner, my boyfriend attaches the incense sticks to his dustbin... :-O I had to take a picture of course.
For: dustbins contest
...where I don't belong
Not my ideology, but defenitely a major influential one for a lot of people.
For: ideologies contest
La Bocca della verita' situated in Rome. Legend or no, avoiding lies is a worthy ideology.
For: ideologies contest
I once came across a quote,"There is great beauty in simple things, if we only take the time to notice them" which I think suits this picture. In my opinion, one of men's errors in life is the failure to appreciate the beauty of simple essential things in life, which are sometimes taken fo...
For: james joyce contest