dancing in the rain

This was not the intention for the day but the storm came and we made the most of it.
For: rain contest
This was not the intention for the day but the storm came and we made the most of it.
For: rain contest
For: homage to a long life contest
For: twentyfive pics 2 contest
Make-up : Ligia Chira Model : Heni Takas Photographer: Me :)
For: makeup mania contest
Its very hard to pick one favorite photograph. The one i wanted to do would have been way to difficult to recreate. I chose this one because its one of my favorites and easier to recreate than the other. The original was a portrait of Gloria Swanson by Alfred Johnston.
For: imitation contest
My daughter asked me to take this photo of her and her best friend last weekend as her bestie is moving away at the end of the school year. This song seemed to fit too well. Ooh you're the best friend that I ever had I've been with you such a long time You're my sunshine and I want you to kno...
According to Christianity, Pain didn't exist until man took the fruit of the tree of knowledge. It's easy to get confused when pain comes in an innocent package, but what if it looked how it felt?
...were all candies have a great time!!!
For: photo tournament 1 round 3 contest
For: queen songs contest
For: photo tournament 1 round 2 contest
For: suspension 2 contest
My grandma's hands... I've never seen a day she forgot to pray !
For: hands 2 contest
Elke and Amanda wish you both a great and happy birthday, may all your wishes come true :D