651 comments given:
avatar Kid
Kid says:

nice !

(5 years and 3544 days ago)

avatar Kid
Kid says:

Very odd, good masking on the horse

(5 years and 3544 days ago)

avatar Kid
Kid says:

Woah! You created a very nice mood!

(5 years and 3544 days ago)

Lady And Horse
avatar Kid
Kid says:

Thought this has a very abstract style that's different from all the other entries

(5 years and 3544 days ago)

avatar Kid
Kid says:

my fav so far!

(5 years and 3544 days ago)

Number FUN!
avatar Kid
Kid says:

I'd blur the edge of the dolphins a bit as they're too sharp compared to the surrounding

(5 years and 3544 days ago)

Mother & Child
avatar Kid
Kid says:

Love how you used the dolphins to make the flower

(5 years and 3544 days ago)

avatar Kid
Kid says:

brighten the image up and it would be a whole lot better

(5 years and 3544 days ago)

μπλε (Blue)
avatar Kid
Kid says:

the eiffel tower seems unnecessary to me but you could keep it if you want :P

(5 years and 3544 days ago)

stop killing dolphins statua
avatar Kid
Kid says:

I thought the idea was a bit cliche

(5 years and 3544 days ago)

avatar Kid
Kid says:

The rocks seem to be floating since the one of the left doesnt connect to the ground

(5 years and 3544 days ago)

The Web
avatar Kid
Kid says:

I would change some of the heart's position since they all look the same, but good job with the mood!

(5 years and 3544 days ago)

Love is Dead
avatar Kid
Kid says:

You should give a depth of field by blurring the heart farthest away

(5 years and 3544 days ago)

just love
avatar Kid
Kid says:

good idea, small spelling mistake

(5 years and 3544 days ago)

Love and lose
avatar Kid
Kid says:

lol, how would you even open the lock
nice job making it look shiny

(5 years and 3544 days ago)

avatar Kid
Kid says:

oh wow, pretty realistic looking nice job!

(5 years and 3544 days ago)

Very Sad
avatar Kid
Kid says:

gross, but its a good-gross

(5 years and 3544 days ago)

9 to 5
avatar Kid
Kid says:

somehow the clean shirt doesn't match his bloody face, just a suggestion

(5 years and 3544 days ago)

Mom, I was drunk...
avatar Kid
Kid says:

definitely creepy

(5 years and 3544 days ago)

Bad Day in Hell
avatar Kid
Kid says:

The source is a big-fat ©

(5 years and 3544 days ago)

scary god
avatar Kid
Kid says:

unique nails, but imo the shadow on the nail is too sharp. Maybe blur it bit

(5 years and 3544 days ago)

Nail art
avatar Kid
Kid says:

A grown up version of winnie the pooh

(5 years and 3544 days ago)

mess with me ?!
avatar Kid
Kid says:

Don't know why you added the two bars at the edge of the image but the head is creative :O

(5 years and 3544 days ago)

avatar Kid
Kid says:

thats good blending

but you need to post your sources though!

(5 years and 3545 days ago)

avatar Kid
Kid says:

did you use source to make letters or a font? nice letter btw =D

(5 years and 3545 days ago)

its ur dog dude
avatar Kid
Kid says:

cooking is serious business

(5 years and 3546 days ago)

Iron Chef
avatar Kid
Kid says:

I recognize this style :0

Nice work again !!

(5 years and 3553 days ago)

avatar Kid
Kid says:

this is.... CRAZINESS!!!

(5 years and 3556 days ago)

Heart Built of Layered Tears
avatar Kid
Kid says:

A top 3 for sure

(5 years and 3557 days ago)

The Lonely Stone
avatar Kid
Kid says:

Nice background and mood

(5 years and 3557 days ago)

Intrigued, For he had No Light
avatar Kid
Kid says:

Wow, very nice idea!

(5 years and 3557 days ago)

avatar Kid
Kid says:

This is actually pretty creative. It would take up less space than what current browsers have. gj

(5 years and 3557 days ago)

Playing w/I-Pod Idea Browser
avatar Kid
Kid says:

Too amazing @_@

(5 years and 3584 days ago)

A big catch
avatar Kid
Kid says:

I must be drunk! XD

(5 years and 3590 days ago)

The Scent of Ammon-Ra
avatar Kid
Kid says:

imo it might look better if you blended the strokes together

but I guess it might be your style

(5 years and 3603 days ago)

The Witch
avatar Kid
Kid says:

You encountered a vilepume! :-O

Funny idea

(5 years and 3606 days ago)

avatar Kid
Kid says:

To make it look more realistic, I would add some motion blur to the capsule (not too much though or you would distort the capsule too much)

(5 years and 3607 days ago)

avatar Kid
Kid says:

cute monster/creature

(5 years and 3608 days ago)

Capturing the Taste of....
avatar Kid
Kid says:

This should have been top 7...:S

(5 years and 3613 days ago)

The last samurai
avatar Kid
Kid says:

you would have gotten higher score if you submitted the image at its current state at the beginning, congrats though

(5 years and 3613 days ago)

Before the sunset (updated)
avatar Kid
Kid says:

wished you didn't add the wand; now there's too much stuff going on in the image :/

but I like the new changes to the planes' firing

(5 years and 3617 days ago)

Before the sunset (updated)
avatar Kid
Kid says:

imo you painted too much over the birds to see the source clearly but the flowers are WELL done

(5 years and 3617 days ago)

The Joy Of Nature
avatar Kid
Kid says:

It still looks good without adding the blur

(5 years and 3617 days ago)

Up and Away
avatar Kid
Kid says:

Based on the sbs, not much source is used except for the texture. Most of the image is made from 3-D model.
But nice job on the creativity

(5 years and 3617 days ago)

avatar Kid
Kid says:

nice use of source :-0

(5 years and 3617 days ago)

Heart of a fly
avatar Kid
Kid says:

why the animals...? IMO, they detract the quality of your image since they seem to be placed there randomly :-S

(5 years and 3617 days ago)

Confrontation Over the Chasm
avatar Kid
Kid says:

looks almost 3-D, NJ
The only suggestion I have is to blur the back balloon a bit to create a depth of field.

(5 years and 3619 days ago)

Up and Away
avatar Kid
Kid says:

the lasers look kind of cartoonish imo but the dog/wolf is excellent

(5 years and 3619 days ago)

Before the sunset (updated)
avatar Kid
Kid says:

good idea You might want to make the pedals a bit curly to make it more realistic

(5 years and 3620 days ago)

She loves me, she loves me not
avatar Kid
Kid says:

this should have gotten a higher score :S

congrats though

(5 years and 3620 days ago)

 arrival of sir chesternutly