34 comments given:
avatar KooFoo
KooFoo says:

Sad there is no SBS and hi-res...but also without it is really well done!

(5 years and 2386 days ago)

Lock Ness Monster
avatar KooFoo
KooFoo says:

Really well done, I especially like the eyes

(5 years and 2386 days ago)

A Hydra Named Horace
avatar KooFoo
KooFoo says:


(5 years and 2460 days ago)

Flowers Of Evil
avatar KooFoo
KooFoo says:

Made me laugh! awesome idea

(5 years and 2462 days ago)

Canon Strikes Back
avatar KooFoo
KooFoo says:

Pretty funny idea author

(5 years and 2503 days ago)

Area 52
avatar KooFoo
KooFoo says:

Really well drawn, but the background in down/middle and the right border could have been made better and right side of the egg is an artifact (exept it belongs there) flying around. But cute idea

(5 years and 2503 days ago)

Where Fairies Come From
avatar KooFoo
KooFoo says:

So well made! First didnt even know what is the model of those two cars you have skills m8

(5 years and 2503 days ago)

Here Comes the Judge
avatar KooFoo
KooFoo says:

That´s so good and funny!!! good luck!!

(5 years and 2510 days ago)

The King of Liberty
avatar KooFoo
KooFoo says:

Diabolical Congratulations, also greet Boris and Twinkles

(5 years and 2516 days ago)

avatar KooFoo
KooFoo says:

Congratulations Nönny

(5 years and 2516 days ago)

avatar KooFoo
KooFoo says:

Didn´t have a chance against this big...eeh....machines on the back, if u know what I talk about

(5 years and 2516 days ago)

Steampunk Explorer
avatar KooFoo
KooFoo says:


(5 years and 2516 days ago)

avatar KooFoo
KooFoo says:

It´s the cuddly, cute, and adorable version of Felix Baumgartner

(5 years and 2520 days ago)

avatar KooFoo
KooFoo says:

looks awesome reminds me of serj tankian-left of center video

(5 years and 2520 days ago)

Statues Don
avatar KooFoo
KooFoo says:

The Story made this picture even funnier made red-eyes really to be desirable for this one

(5 years and 2520 days ago)

avatar KooFoo
KooFoo says:

looks like the place where gandalf is fighting against this firelord-monster thing

(5 years and 2520 days ago)

Lord of the Rings country
avatar KooFoo
KooFoo says:

I meant the swastika on the helmet, not that the gorilla looks like a nazi

(5 years and 2521 days ago)

Banana Guard
avatar KooFoo
KooFoo says:

Why there is a digidesign D-Command for Pro-Tools and a teacher teaching Weapons? Audio´s dont need info about weapons

(5 years and 2522 days ago)

avatar KooFoo
KooFoo says:

Cool, u made a nazi-rilla!
actually its funny, but also its politically incorrect
nice job on the nazi-rilla, but the woman in the back could get improved

(5 years and 2522 days ago)

Banana Guard
avatar KooFoo
KooFoo says:

looks like some background in Tron

(5 years and 2531 days ago)

Tunnel of light
avatar KooFoo
KooFoo says:

The Umbrella Corporation Zombie Teddy Bear would make the Resident Evil Movies better!

(5 years and 2532 days ago)

Zombeddy Bear
avatar KooFoo
KooFoo says:

awesome! really great, I would put on my wall

(5 years and 2532 days ago)

Sky Leviathan
avatar KooFoo
KooFoo says:

First thought its edited didnt understand the way u did it! Nice work

(5 years and 2533 days ago)

something alive
avatar KooFoo
KooFoo says:

I gues it`s a way of art that we just dont understand

(5 years and 2533 days ago)

Ready or Not---BM
avatar KooFoo
KooFoo says:

I like it, nice Tim Burton look
you also could have get the picture of the nebula on the nasa page

(5 years and 2533 days ago)

Under the Night Sky
avatar KooFoo
KooFoo says:

I like the picutre really much, but you could improve the reflection of the horse person, the perspective seems a little weird and the outlines of the star wars looking r2d2 figure could be a little bit better made

(5 years and 2534 days ago)

Avoiding the Pin
avatar KooFoo
KooFoo says:

I live in Wetzlar
Nice Shot

(5 years and 2534 days ago)
