
For: something fishy here contest
For: something fishy here contest
This evil plant uses its light for hypnotising people and lures them closer with it. I would like to thank the following people for the great sources: Evert Asberg, Maria Morri, Timo Balk, Elvis Santana, Miguel Saavedra, Nick Holdstock and Martyn E. Jones
For: ps tournament 5 final contest
For: bring a model to life contest
Long live the King.
For: sand king contest
Suddenly, Boris looked down and realized his friend Twinkles was possessed by a demon!
For: red eye untouched contest
If you want to see the picture really really close, take a look at the hi-res. ;)
For: metal things contest
Sky Leviathan Time: around 1.5 hours Tools: Photoshop CS 5.1 & graphics tablet
For: giants contest
Thanks to the holly week, i got a time to participate again... Please see SBS and Hi-Res.
For: watching you contest
Thanks to HOTNStock. A quick manip just to say 'Hi, miss you guys'!! \o
For: watching you contest
AWE... Lil' Zombie Hamster snack! would like to thank cdrussorusso and Derrick k Miller for providing the pics
For: cute zombie animals contest
For: fruit basket contest