10 favorites given:



For: mushrooms 2 contest

» Score: 60.79%
» Rank: 21 out of 24

In the Garden

In the Garden

For: mushrooms 2 contest

» Score: 59.91%
» Rank: 22 out of 24

rabbi blowing shofar

rabbi blowing shofar

drawn with woodless pencils of all hardness. drawn 2 years ago.

For: portraits td contest

» Comments: 38
» Score: 71.97%
» Rank: 1 out of 16

The gaze

The gaze

My friend's girlfriend

For: portraits td contest

» Comments: 11
» Score: 60.01%
» Rank: 5 out of 16



For: portraits td contest

» Comments: 8
» Score: 61.13%
» Rank: 4 out of 16

MrM (Bill Maher)

MrM (Bill Maher)

For: portraits td contest

» Comments: 21
» Score: 61.71%
» Rank: 3 out of 16

angelina portrait

angelina portrait

Pencil drawing/portrait of angelina jolie

For: portraits td contest

» Comments: 10
» Score: 50.92%
» Rank: 16 out of 16

Hope reborn

Hope reborn

The source picture is very beautiful, but it is hard to come up with something new. I wanted to use some sparkling lines but there are some entries with the same effect so ... something very simple. I thing the full resolution is better.

For: lace contest

» Comments: 28
» Score: 61.69%
» Rank: 2 out of 48

Almost Ready To Fly

Almost Ready To Fly

For: red berries contest

» Comments: 33
» Score: 67.28%
» Rank: 1 out of 16

Vintage car

Vintage car

Cut, paste, warp, burn and dodge. All made from given source except for the windshield and background designed in photoshop. Please view in high resolution!!!

For: shiny tuba contest

» Comments: 59
» Score: 70.31%
» Rank: 1 out of 20