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For: eggs contest
I put the egg next to the window screen, and I adjusted the levels for better contrast.
For: eggs contest
For: candle light contest
Woodcarving in Humbolt County CA
For: mythological beasts contest
I hope you like my new entry :) I painted it from my imagination.This is painted in Oil Paints with the wet-on-wet technique. This is my second EVER painting so I'm open to all sorts of criticism and advice. I'll try to explain what I did since his painting was done a while ago and I didn't take p...
watercolor paints (made up from imagination)
For: joy contest
Hand tossin' pizza dough, JETS PIZZA style :)
girl img - private stock (SBS guide)
For: mixed manipulations 9 contest
For: max contrast contest
woodless pencils and acrylic paint for the heart and chain. The only problem was I only had a very high textured paper
For: hearts td contest
Our member Jadedink, who also just happened to sweep the Picasso TD contest, has not been feeling so good lately and Monday was just not her day. So my hearts entry doubles as a 'Get Well' card. I hope you're feeling better Jade. :-)
For: hearts td contest
Drawn using pastels, pencils and highlight with white acrylic.
For: hearts td contest
For: traditional mediums contest
All other photo stock is my own and in my SBS.
For: blue eye contest