83 comments given:
avatar Lefa
Lefa says:

Jerostone said it so well...

(5 years and 3196 days ago)

avatar Lefa
Lefa says:

Amazing colors and great capture, you dont need luck to win this one

(5 years and 3230 days ago)

avatar Lefa
Lefa says:

Is that my hamster in the white stuff to the left ??? Great pic GL

(5 years and 3230 days ago)

avatar Lefa
Lefa says:

The easiest hit in golf is the sixth putt. -Groucho Marx

This must have been the seventh...

(5 years and 3237 days ago)

#*$@  MISSED!
avatar Lefa
Lefa says:

Great gems author, all 4 of them, GL

(5 years and 3256 days ago)

what a gem......
avatar Lefa
Lefa says:

I know this guy, he was a professor at my uni
Well anyway, great capture GL

(5 years and 3286 days ago)

A face you can love
avatar Lefa
Lefa says:

Beautiful. Great pic

(5 years and 3290 days ago)

Butterfly on bluebells
avatar Lefa
Lefa says:

I've seen something like this in Pompeij, cool pic GL

(5 years and 3292 days ago)

avatar Lefa
Lefa says:

My dad is a leopard, a nearsighted leopard...
Cute guy GL

(5 years and 3292 days ago)

avatar Lefa
Lefa says:

They are C-cups. C=coffe haha
Very creative GL

(5 years and 3293 days ago)

C Cups
avatar Lefa
Lefa says:

Son, why must you allways take pics of me when I take my afternoon nap. -Dad ( great pic btw)

(5 years and 3802 days ago)

guess who
avatar Lefa
Lefa says:

The composition would be better if you put "www.pxleyes.com" moore in the middle. haaaa

(5 years and 3802 days ago)

Nocturne haze
avatar Lefa
Lefa says:

A landmark for sailors, a lighthouse ?

(5 years and 3802 days ago)

avatar Lefa
Lefa says:

That must be my Betty, she runs away all the time, likes to tickle me during the night.... scary pic, great find

(5 years and 3805 days ago)

WTF Is This?
avatar Lefa
Lefa says:

Yes, the grass is allways greener where you water it good mood in this pic

(5 years and 3811 days ago)

avatar Lefa
Lefa says:

Ahhh memories... my camera in the early 80's great pic

(5 years and 3816 days ago)

Nikon F3