
For: windy flags contest
Flag of the defence forces
For: windy flags contest
For: coat of arms contest
For: coat of arms contest
Got a minor flu, was a cold day, refused to go out with my camera, shot this panorama of my living room, maybe I do the toilet next... naah.
For: panoramas contest
For: cemeteries contest
For: cemeteries contest
The seal is over the gate of my hometown's castle. In the seal are the seals of the king and the counties this castle ruled over in those times. Can't name the castle here, some friends here would know who I am :)
For: coat of arms contest
For: repetitive patterns contest
For: repetitive patterns contest
For: reflections contest
For: reflections contest
In the 1970's grainy was considered artistic. Today grainy is a big no no. I made this pic really grainy by sharpen it many times and want to put it up to a test to see just how much grainy pics are hated around here :)
This big V8 bike was painted in the stars and stripes way
For: stripes contest
we were all melting in with the stones and that stupid duck just had to stand on one leg and give us all away dooh...
For: camouflage contest