Winter Bales

For: farm land contest
it reminds me of the sun
flowers in winter the palm of my hand!
For: cats 2 contest
The King
For: cats 2 contest
No sources used, done entirely in painter 9 using the air brush and oil paint brushes
For: flowers dd contest
Photoshop CS5 --- Please comment and let me know what you think!
For: flowers dd contest
For: flowers dd contest
For: flowers dd contest
credits to Eirian-stock AliceFaux SheisprettyStock
For: swing contest
every thing is made from the source. Please have a look at the sbs and high resolution before voting.
For: swing contest
nothing but the source
For: swing contest
They say it is dangerous to walk Gargoyle Road when the moon is full; that if the Gargoyle lamps glow red then danger is near. They say the Gargoyles can sense the hunger for blood and it is that prescience that turns the lamps red. They don't say who is hungry. Beware! Thank you to Elandria at D...
The traffic signal is the same offered in the contest has been made the prospect of working with the Transform tool, only the signal from the center of it (traffic light for the animal) was replaced. After cutting and joining of all images, each was treated to saturation, borders, lighting (Dodge &...
For: traffic sign contest
For: unproportioned humans contest
First part is a quote from the Movie Elizabeth starring Cate Blanchett The cotton candy is the picture I took outside my window in an airplane when I used to travel a lot
"I invite you to rest there, without fear" lol Hope you enjoy, comment and take a look at the SBS and high resolution *Vertigo*
For: white bench contest
thanks float for the images of the model dummys
For: white bench contest
Words of a mad scientist :-)
For: intelligence contest