
For: bug closeuo contest
source image and photoshop
For: bug closeuo contest
f/3.3 10s.
f32 / 8sec The sun is behind me obviously but it gives off such beautiful colors at this time over the ocean.
It was not a great day when i photographed this. The weather was soo dull...i managed to go for only 3 seconds exposures at f4.
This puppy was at a pet store, just waiting for someone to fall in love and take him home.
Grizelda could hardly wait to feed her new babies some fresh dragon slayer meat!
For: eggs contest
I hope quality control stays on the job!
For: eggs contest
I put the egg next to the window screen, and I adjusted the levels for better contrast.
For: eggs contest
For: mythological beasts contest
woodless pencils and acrylic paint for the heart and chain. The only problem was I only had a very high textured paper
For: hearts td contest
For: hearts td contest
Acrylic on canvas, Messin with perspective under an Iron Maiden influence. Hope ya like it!
For: hearts td contest
acrylic on canvas
For: hearts td contest