
For: candle light contest
I wanted to try and make a pic like Nik Ainley's Fluid, so set to work searching… I found this group of pics on DeviantArt and downloaded via the link I found out that these pics were taken by Alexander Yakovlev so emailed him via his...
For: splash fun contest
A new creature has been created! The parro(ca)t This one was a lot of work and I hope you guys like the end result! Final composition was over 30 layers! Though I haven't got the time anymore to make changes, comments are really much appreciated ! Thanks to papaleguas & semlibeert...
For: skin replacement 2 contest
For: skin replacement 2 contest
No reference used... I find myself more drawn to picasso's blue period, and that is what i was aiming to achieve with this piece. Done in oil pastels on velum bristol.
For: picasso td contest
I use blue"-Pablo Picasso "Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions. " — Pablo Picasso "There are only two types of women: goddesses and doormats." — Pablo Picasso no reference. no red paint. :P Acrylic on Canvas
For: picasso td contest
18x24 finger smudged oil pastels on paper *no reference* Blue-Period influence
For: picasso td contest
I did this about 5 to 6 years ago when I was just a wannabe on some other site, and didn't know what a pxleyes was. this can be Tin Eyed for proof.
As I manipulated the blocks into some interesting patterns, they brought to mind the contour farming we see a lot of in our area. It would be amazing to see them from a higher vantage point, so that's what this little guy is doing. So much to see from up there. No outside sources were used.
For: containers contest
Testing the Paper planes
For: paper planes contest
A story you gonna love!!! Fighting...kicking...drinking... Ahahahaaa..i really enjoy doing that!!! :)
For: comic strips contest
What do you do if you don't know the words? You hum.
For: birds contest
It's a ring from my daughter, worth a few cents...
For: jewelry contest
For: legs contest