
Thanks to Dollmommy for providing the stock photo.
For: portraits td contest
Thanks to Dollmommy for providing the stock photo.
For: portraits td contest
"You sonovagrinch! I hope you had a good time with mah girl cuz these snow guns will ruin yo' Christmas now!"
For: snowmen dd contest
Not very comfortable moment to anyone, especialy for asnowman xD
For: snowmen dd contest
Update - Increased Brightness
For: snowmen dd contest
Better not tip over the snoman with the marshmallow teeth and gasoline in his eyes...he'll get his revenge... No sources used. Photoshop. See SBS!
For: snowmen dd contest
Honey I think we need to talk. Only the source image used
For: broken eggs contest
only source
For: broken eggs contest
The next Animal Hero was born...
For: broken eggs contest
Source image, Photoshop and Illlustrator for the fish shape
For: broken eggs contest
All are done from the source photo. Please see SBS for detailed description.
For: broken eggs contest
The fact that this could be reality is frightening. I tried to capture the sadness and loneliness of being a survivor. Thank you to all source pictures
Andrei-http://vishstudio.deviantart.com/ is a B.A.M.F.-http://sociobunneh.deviantart.com/ H Assaf-http://www.sxc.hu/profile/ortonesque Julia Starr-http://www.sxc.hu/profile/night_fate Seraphim-http://lotusii.deviantart.com/ gvalkyrie-http://gvalkyrie.deviantart.com/ Brian H-http://...
Don't ask me why I decided to do this, I don't even know myself. Started to become a bit of an obsession spending far too long on it (approx 16 hours). Used the ant as a reference for the pose, trying to keep a similar depth of field. All sources from sxc.hu Please view in High Resolution.
For: ant closeup contest
I could not list all sources in the URL links (too many). So I have provided link info both here and in full links the SBS. Polar Bears are numbered as they appear in the WIP Gif in the SBS. Links not show in list below: Northern Lights 2x by dyet @ sxc http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1174599 htt...
Another swiss army knife, I know the idea is not very original but I wanted to do one for me :) All sources used are of my own, taken on purpose for the entry.
For: failed cellphones contest
Something I did about 6 months ago to keep me busy. Thanks to mffugabriel-stock, AbsurdWordPreferred, mjranum-stock and youvegotmaille.
For: mixed manipulations 8 contest
something i came up with for the dream contest last week but didn't have time to enter. Hope you all like it.
For: mixed manipulations 8 contest
For: angles contest
For: suspension contest
Look closely and you will see the spiderweb that this flower is hanging from.
For: suspension contest