
For: cats td contest
For: misty forest contest
Rowdies will be eaten. Thanks to Stuck in Customs, Rik C and Joachim S. Muller
For: aliens among contest
just crazy with this one.... :D Thanks to 'Clix' for the frog image and thanks to Denny tang for the smoke brushes
For: aliens among contest
Save Water...Don't let such a moment ever come in our life.......!!!! The hand is my own image provided in the sbs... hope you like it friends...god bless all
For: old tap contest
Thanks to telegram for the London City Hall and Digea Rain Brushes by Jelena Jovović for the added Rain :) Old Beater Guitar Supplied by Me in my SBS Photo ;) and inspired by the "Stevie" Ray Vaughan Song (While I put it together) " The Sky Is Crying"
For: old tap contest
Thank you Frankiehart, Jawshoewhah, Gotmeamuse, Mqtrf, Trialboj, Christy, Erikuri, Fille and Itsmymoment for the lovely stock images: 1. 2. 3.
"I will be the Vampire Lestat for all to see. A symbol, a freak of nature - something loved, something despised, all of those things. I tell you I can't give it up. I can't miss. And quite frankly I am not in the least afraid." -the vampire lestat by Anne Rice
She is known as Tazer; born from thunder and lighting she is as wild as the wind. But caution is advised, don’t let her pretty wings and dainty looks fool you. If you get too close she will give you quite a shock, knock you out cold and steal your gems, gold or what ever else suites her fancy...
Hope you like it friends......!!!!
For: globe contest
A rain puddle full of leaves. This one had not been drowned yet; sadly another downpour and it to would succumb.
For: rain puddles contest
Maybe I ought to make known that the actual image has been rotated by 180 deg. Best season greetings to all of you, kind people
For: rain puddles contest
For: rain puddles contest
Edit:Changed the direction of the light source & re-shoot it after mariogaviria123 suggestion.
For: nails contest