'Ol Knuckle-Buster...

For: rust contest
For: rust contest
Thanks to night-fate-stock, faestock, Capgros, marcel66.
For: shed contest
Lead pencils, charcoal, and some hard white pastel type thing that I can't remember the name of, that I found rummaging around in a box of drawing stuff
Smudge, Brush, Burn & Dodge
For: eyes dd contest
PS CS2 Soft brush, smudge tool and blure tool. not sure how the colors look since my PS ignored my screen setting,also my computer restared many times while I was working .
For: eyes dd contest
This is my warped interpretation on how we are now able to see the most amazing things via our fingertips and a mouse. From crazy video clips to beautiful artwork we can delight in things our ancestors didnt even know existed....hope thats not too deep :-)
For: eyes dd contest
Made only with the source image.
For: playground contest
Credit to MJRanum stock from DA for his fabulous stock and the use of the desert image.
For: squirrel 2 contest
My first attempt at something like this so suggestions and comments are appreciated!
Friend or foe?
For: gas mask contest
source, photoshop , my own sketch....and some crazy imagination
For: gas mask contest
Decided to make the mask into a creature! Everything is made out of pieces of the mask or just painted in. I wanted to spend more time on it, but I was cutting it close to the dead line. Either way I am pleased with the out come, what do you think :)
For: gas mask contest
In the classic version of the siren, they were depicted as half bird, half woman. but after searching the link, i found that they were also depicted as evil versions of the mermaid, set out to lure sailors to their deaths. i took the concept of the siren and i made it my own. instead of a lovely ...